Thursday, December 28, 2006

In The Box To The LEFT!

EVERYTHING You Own In The Box to the LEFT! This is a BASKET, not a box, my boyfriends BASKET at that! As we near the end of the month and some sorry assed BITCHES have to pack up & HEAVE, WEAVE & HEY HO and UHAUL, my arse is firmly planted right here Y'ALL! That's right, me and my CREW Y'ALL we're headin' up the DList TORONTO Tour...loads of surprises, sexy sizzlin' New York MEAT right up in you face....sweet dj's, famous freaks & lovelies are about to invade TORONTO en mass from NYC. Don't Ya Wish Your Boyfriend was a FREAK like ME? Wish & Dream ON! Press On...SUPERSTEIN is rolling out the factory....we're right thrilled with the way everyhting is going...the shmutah hit's the stores Tuesday January 2 2007. So Have A Happy New Year.....JOYCE...I appologize in advance but I'm right busy & my posts on here are gonna slow down DOLL....Allo Police should be Chock Full O Gossip for you to gobble up with your steamy all dresssss! OVAH! OUT!