Thursday, December 28, 2006

In The Box To The LEFT!

EVERYTHING You Own In The Box to the LEFT! This is a BASKET, not a box, my boyfriends BASKET at that! As we near the end of the month and some sorry assed BITCHES have to pack up & HEAVE, WEAVE & HEY HO and UHAUL, my arse is firmly planted right here Y'ALL! That's right, me and my CREW Y'ALL we're headin' up the DList TORONTO Tour...loads of surprises, sexy sizzlin' New York MEAT right up in you face....sweet dj's, famous freaks & lovelies are about to invade TORONTO en mass from NYC. Don't Ya Wish Your Boyfriend was a FREAK like ME? Wish & Dream ON! Press On...SUPERSTEIN is rolling out the factory....we're right thrilled with the way everyhting is going...the shmutah hit's the stores Tuesday January 2 2007. So Have A Happy New Year.....JOYCE...I appologize in advance but I'm right busy & my posts on here are gonna slow down DOLL....Allo Police should be Chock Full O Gossip for you to gobble up with your steamy all dresssss! OVAH! OUT!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

DList Is Comin' To TOWN...get NAUGHTY!

As I've been slowly telling people the DList long indeed that they are making a TORONTO STOP On the TOUR! You're Welcome...BITCHES! That's all the NEWS you COWS are getting now...go join DList or get DLost! L8RRR....oh I hope JOYCE from Montreal can make it.....hey JOYCE are you REJOYCING......for FRENCH HANG UP FOR REAL ALREADY!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006



Sunday, December 24, 2006

GET IT UP! Mount me if you must...just don't kiss me!

OK sluts that's the BRAWN in SUPERSTEIN so don't FUCK with us ya heard! John Walke, yeah me...I'm the voice in your head...that's me serving at boutique letrou, the only shop in Canada with SUPERSTEIN. I got kissed by a dj last night...Dr. BAGGY liplocked me & XMAS HOPPED me, BOPPED me and then some ME, with his SEXY Sizzlin' dj DREW who knew! And finally I serve ALL ME! BOO YA & LOVE YA I LOVE YA ALL! (Right!) Now go get a life ALREADY!


O.K. everyone...last night at the GLADSTONE HOTEL dj Dr. Baggie & dj DREW threw down a major Old School Hip Hop night & it was FIERCE! The crowd was delish, sexy & stylish but lacked a certain number of FIERCE QUEENS. I heard everyone was exhasuted from the countdown for when would Junior Vasquez would get to his gig, apparently very late! NO PHONE CALLS....NO EMAILS, 'cause I'll Push You Down The Stairs Backwards! Book Frankie Knuckles and you'll see who the Real Master is. WHY anyone HYPES JUNIOR still behooves me, he's sooooo 15 years ago already & for real when are we going to start to blaze local talent? I'm sure all guns are aimed at Gairey Brown and all are exclaiming.."SHE IS OVAH!" HOLD UP.....Gairey Brown works hard at what he does, if ya AXE me he justed booked the wrong dj, but I'm sure everything else was FIERCE as GAIREY BROWN is always so quick to quote, he works his way, I work mine, we are all individuals HELLO! JUNIOR'S tardiness is not GAIREY'S fault, the dj has a reputation, if he lets people down and is late, it's a reflection of the dj, not the promoter. This is not the first gig Mr. JUNIOR has left his fans disappointed, most likely it will not be his last, but I am hopeful because I know there is so much raw talent boiling over that I think I hear the kettle whistlin'! There's so much work that goes in to keeping ALL Y'ALL entertained never mind happy....don't hate the PLAYER, hate the GAME! Throw a party yourself, add to the's WORK...not just PLAY! I'm dropping a slew of pics for you's to feast on. I'm tired...been a long need for anyone to call me & tell me this & that about my blog because I'll tell you in advance...I've REJOICED and the colour of my SEASON is transparent....I can see right through All Y'All, above, around & beyond Y'ALL...for I , well...I'm just me! L8RRR BITCHES & HO HO HO'S! PS. GAIREY BROWN IS SOOOO FIERCE...FOR REAL! Again...check GAIREY'S footwear...that about says says it all! MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON JOYCE! I wish everyone a MARY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR! The New Years DRAMA....I'm not touching that, we're very busy silk screening, heavy into production and SUPERSTEIN is being packed & shipped as I type.....the web site is being swirled off shore by a creative geenyus, the sweat shop is sweatin' & we'll Keep On Truckin'!

Monday, December 18, 2006


WE REPRESENT ALL THE COLOURS YOU KOOKY BASTARDS....all the REALNESS....all the NESS you MESSES can muster....we NESS YOU! Merci! For French HANG UP!

Note to JOYCE....REJOICE us or simply don't bother!

It's my choice JOYCE...and I choose NOT...I don't know much about Hair but my clothes look FIERCE!


THIS is GAIRY BROWN. WHAT CAN BROWN DO FOR YOU? SHE IS FIERCE & RULING! SHE OOZES OF ALL THIS, ALL THAT & THEN A LITTLE BIT MORE! She daintily walks the line of FIERCE one foot at a time! Look at her F--king FOOTWEAR HELLO! She has more security to make us feel safer, the mints at the bar are to save the dance floor from gum....who knew....never one to HORK gum on a dance floor myself but not everyone is as elegant as I. Gairy is doing a major Throw Down a la Junior Vasquez Dec. 22, this FRIDAY at FLY....check it! BROWN will be SERVING not SWERVING! EDEN DARLING! The colour of the SEASON....SMOKED LICORICE...shades of BLACK, BLACK, BLACK and more BLACK....with matte lips...bugged out MOD EYELINER IN BLACK and then more BLACK...with the slightest glimpse of BROWN...'cause BLACK DON'T is that perfectly clear....GAIRY BROWN IS FIERCE, GAIRY BROWN IS FIERCELY BLACK, how about that! SEXY'S BLACK & BROWN & WHITE & YELLOW & all the SHADES....but SEXY'S BACK F--king REJOYCE already! YA HEARD! The other SHADE of the SEASON is TRANSPARENT...because JOYCE is ALL SEASONS!



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Friday, December 15, 2006


Well it's really late, 3:43 Mother Fucking a.m. & I have an 8a.m...won't be pretty but no doubt spectacular. The pictures speak a thousand words so read between the lines tonight 'cause this BITCH is 'tween the sheets in a heart beat.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! G'Night All Y'All!
That's Ron, Matt, Maha & HRH Brun!Then there's Louis, Superstein & Jean Paul & purple jeans workin', Then there's the SWEET D.J., That's Simply MAHALICOUS!, and finally it Don't Matter if you're Black or White or SUPERSTEIN...just be! May Peace Prevail on EARTH Y'ALL!


Tuesday, December 12, 2006


SUPERSTEIN LEGAL TENDER...INKS STILL WET, 1st one off the PRESS & the full first RUN! That would be John & Ron....a full days work we cranked out in an hour and a half! We WORK!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Just One More Go-See!

Well I believe these about say it all. WEAVE one or two more Go-See's to get the GLAM and then we're ready for the GRAND SLAM! Simon Rojas did these awesome grafix, not only can the man swirl some sick HOUSE, skills for Days. LATER ALL Y'ALL...I'm right busy!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The SHMAMPLES are being cut & sewn, knit one & pearl 69!

I can't get it up.....UGH....the grafix Y'All. So this post was supposed to be the awesome artwork for the invitations but instead it's G'night! MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH!

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Hey Y'All...been real busy as of late, not alot of time for this because there's patterns to cut, samples to silkscreen & sew and a show to plan. There's alot going on in Toronto so far be it from me to tell any of you where to go....well you can all go SHOPPING I guess. I've been networking on the DList & I must say it's a karmic breath of fresh air to touch base with ART FAGS worldwide. This site is quite groovy I must say, some Older Faggots whine on it that it's like a Gay MySpace, and it has too many Steven Cajucaro ( that's not how you spell it but you know the mug on her & that voice...Heaven Sent!) look alikes which I love by the way....but it has opened my eyes to a place I've wanted to visit, if I can't have an awesome scene in Toronto in an instant then I can have it on the net. The scene in Toronto is getting a bit add to the CITY don't take away from it. PEACE Y'All....! Sunday December 17, REMINGTON'S 379 Yonge St. Toronto, CANADA dj Simon Rojas will be serving screechin' HOUSE all night long!