Saturday, April 07, 2007

Emily Post can teach you manners, me I'll just HOUSE YOU!

So just so it is all clear for everyone. MANNERS & RESPECT will get you very far in this world....being an IGNANT MOTHER F**KER gets your ass kicked...ya HEARD! I mean there are so many of you DOLLS out there running around so F**KED UP...if I read any more letters about me I'm going to have to be HOSPITALIZED because thay are so laughable...ENUF ALREADY. Carry On serving ...carry on. Myself I'm busy planning work all over the WORLD....I'm an INTERNATIONAL WHORE on a GLOBAL SCALE....nothing PROVINCIAL for this BLUE BLOOD and yes I DO NOT APPROVE of ANY of the PARTY DRUGS many are doing....but that's just me, but ignore the TINA POSTERS everywhere & seminars & health alerts..just carry on 'cause there's NOTHING to back up what I'm talking about...huff & snort whatever you little piggies can get up your noses & orifices...see you on your way down the RUNWAY to EMERGENCY! That's a FUN PARTY. Last Night was DIVINE & we all had a FULL BASKET....let it be known shortly before last call I had a COMPLETE GLASS BREAKING Mary Kate Olsen takes alot to get me going...but PUSH MY BUTTON & WATCH! L8RRRR! the picture of the FORK is taken by my friend JP in NYC....if you enjoy a meal it's polite to turn the FORK over to let the Host know you enjoyed the meal & have some sense of class & breeding. If you didn't know this then join the COMMON TRASH LINE. It's never gracious if for some reason you don't like the meal to ram the fork into the HOSTS FACE...although it sounds like a FIERCE SCENE to create....that could wind you up in jail. Now could everybody GET A GROOVE, STICK ON IT & GET OFF MY DRESS!