Wednesday, November 08, 2006


First of all this picture is my absolute favorite new's not the Flag Y'All so put yer shot guns's Maha's t-shirt. Well it would appear some sun will shine upon America as Donald "Bombsfell" Rumsfeld resigns...the DEMOCRATS kick some arse and pound some Bush...Evangelical Freak Ted Haggard gets his oral fixation & new high from sucking on exhaust pipes of Hill Billies Pick Up Trucks, he gives Meth and Hookers a Hideous name...Britney Speared K-Fed and Alicia Keyes is fed up with all the Sick Attention Paid to people helping in Africa....key word HELPING...can I get a HOLLER! We are living in a world that creates words like Madoption over night, tension everywhere is out of control, yet somehow life is really amazing & precious...I'm Thankful that I'm in a place I love and all is safe and peaceful and yes indeed God Bless America for waking up a wee bit. UGH...and a reality check Y'All....America's Next Top Model is a Reality show & really has nothing to do with modeling....someone throw Tyra an ankle length poncho or a Trim Spa Campaign already...she's HUGE! I'm havin' a sandwich! G'night! Have a safe flight LIMP!