Sunday, October 29, 2006


Heya All....just up from an insane shin dig...lotsa photos of the HAIRSPRAY crew but you'll all have to wait a bit, my camera is being a bit Cranky. We had an absolute riot...I'm not going in to great detail of the was was was HILARIOUS being one of the few TORONTONIANS there....of which I'm quick to say...."I'm from New Brunswick!" I wouldn't be soooo GORGEOUS if I were brought up in TORONTO, unfortunatly I'd have turned out as a local promoter, but such is not the case....instead I am a FANTASTIC FORCE to reckon with.....some of you people have reckoned with me...some of you haven't. When this HAIRSPRAY comes out you won't be ready Children... LATER! "It's a Girl's Life!""It's A Queen's Life!""It's A Man's Life!""It's a Womans Life!"" It's A QUEEN'S LIFE, The Boys & Girls should GET A LIFE! every Sunday at PENTHOUSE & GARDENS @ REMINGTONS, 379 Yonge St. Toronto, Later My Lovelies! WHAT IS THE MOTHER FUCKING "T" ANYWAY...did't the clocks change HELLO! That's my Angie Xtavaganza Trophy I snatched in the WORLD BALL FOR UNITY like a hundred years ago & our sexy cluster of Disco Ball Mistle Toe...just see how quickly they all copy Mistle Toe Disco Balls...but we served them from our Opening Night On. Soon we'll have Camel Toe Disco Balls, all sorts of BALLS....we're throwing a BALL of our own soon. Hope you can CATCH!