Monday, October 30, 2006

Let's Try This Again!

A few technical difficulties to work out last night but all is JAMMIN'! Back to trying to get some more fantastic pictures up. Enjoy! First off the very sexy Nacho Libre CHALUPA....sizzlin hot sause here....that's SVG and HAIRSPRAY Make Up Artist catching up on the best LIQUID EYELINER! Sweet DJ casts a spell and served 'What's the T?" to a huge fit of crazed fans...t'was awesome! SVG & HAIRSPRAY Costume Designer talk about knittin' one and pearlin' two. This is my new BABY Little Dominican Bro' ''he's cute, he's fine & serves Falavishness to a T Doll." Loves Him! Now PRANCE!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

More HAIRSPRAY SCARESPRAY!'s some more fantastic shots from last night! You know'll have to wait....the server is on CRACK & I've no patience for this & have a PARTY tonight! Penthouse & Gardens @ REMINGTONS, 379 Yonge St. See Ya's!


Heya.....just downloaded the camera so you're all gonna get a little nibble of our night last night. First off X-Men Cyclops star James Marsden as Darth Vader sans Mask reveals a HUGE STAR....that could not stop winkin' at my fine Dominican self! That's Andy Warhol, Just A Pretty Dominican Girl Sheena Ventura Gonzales & the Fierce LIMPWRISTED. Go to to hear "What's the T?" My Vanilla Sista from South Central & Sheena V. Gonzales pop a cap & every ass in the HOUSE, the Stunning Ebony, Link, Tracey Turnblad goes Egyptian, Sheena V. Gonzales serves & LIMPWRISTED sizzles! Oh that's LIMP, Sheena V. Gonzales & my Dominican Baby Boo Bro' Full of Flav! Met all the Stars & figure out who they are....I adore the Make Up Artist & Costume Designer...the 3 of us bonded like BOND GIRLS!


Heya All....just up from an insane shin dig...lotsa photos of the HAIRSPRAY crew but you'll all have to wait a bit, my camera is being a bit Cranky. We had an absolute riot...I'm not going in to great detail of the was was was HILARIOUS being one of the few TORONTONIANS there....of which I'm quick to say...."I'm from New Brunswick!" I wouldn't be soooo GORGEOUS if I were brought up in TORONTO, unfortunatly I'd have turned out as a local promoter, but such is not the case....instead I am a FANTASTIC FORCE to reckon with.....some of you people have reckoned with me...some of you haven't. When this HAIRSPRAY comes out you won't be ready Children... LATER! "It's a Girl's Life!""It's A Queen's Life!""It's A Man's Life!""It's a Womans Life!"" It's A QUEEN'S LIFE, The Boys & Girls should GET A LIFE! every Sunday at PENTHOUSE & GARDENS @ REMINGTONS, 379 Yonge St. Toronto, Later My Lovelies! WHAT IS THE MOTHER FUCKING "T" ANYWAY...did't the clocks change HELLO! That's my Angie Xtavaganza Trophy I snatched in the WORLD BALL FOR UNITY like a hundred years ago & our sexy cluster of Disco Ball Mistle Toe...just see how quickly they all copy Mistle Toe Disco Balls...but we served them from our Opening Night On. Soon we'll have Camel Toe Disco Balls, all sorts of BALLS....we're throwing a BALL of our own soon. Hope you can CATCH!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Come On People Be People! HYBRID HOUSE!

Well everyone it's been a long drawn out week & I for one can't wait to chill in the GARDEN!
As you can all see I, John Walke am a VISION, I am very HAPPY, I am BLESSED to be with such an AWESOME CREW & we are very THANKFUL to now say we are residents on Sunday at REMINGTONS. We are doing things our way, and you all are welcome to come down! I know to some of my peers many have found me to be obnoxious, bitter, loud & self absorbed but I assure you I am not. What I am is clearly content & letting you all know that I am living in TORONTO today, although I reflect often on the past, TRUST, my ears & eyes are so focused on tomorrow & so far ahead I'll be so self absorbed to call myself a VISIONAIRE because many people have called me that. Anyway.....I'm just being if everyone including myself gets over what ever it is we all have to work out....then lets work it out...and support each other in all our different events. Everybody running out to all of a sudden do an Old School House Night...been there, did that, still doin' it. I'm tired of the stale scene so my Crew & I are doing our best & we're very PROUD! We encourage everyone to make an effort, change things, go out, add to the scene, don't bring it down. SMILE more, go out for the right reasons....there really is a simple method to my MADNESS FOLKS....learn how to LISTEN & BE OPEN TO LEARN. Far too many people here in Toronto have poor work habits, taking their customers for granted and having no PASSION for the SCENE or COMMUNITY! We pride ourselves in being as far away from ALL THAT as possible. See ya Sunday, October 29, REMINTONS, 379 Yonge St. $5 cover all night, two djs, the only TRAIN WRECK you wanna be on. ALL ABOARD! EGOS, ICONS, DRAMA, get over yourselves & fucking dance already!

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Why that's Dan Lavoie from XTRA....the one that always gets the listings spot on...yeah right...get it right this time....praise is sweet but HYPE is essential...HYPE feels RIGHT!, with Kooky Electro dj Clothes Horse & A Fashionista of sorts I think...but maybe not! Oh and that's GORGEOUS photographer Niel Schmitt & Terrance from the CIRCA CREW. Kooky shit is popping up in my garden in front of one of my sweet paintings. And oh yeah....that's Matt C...he dj'd our Premiere GARDEN party back at the end of August...thanks again for setting the bar so high Matt but come on down to REMINGTONS and check out our new GARDEN SPREAD. Makes the last palce look like a Day Care! Howdy fellow GARDENERS....thank you all for the fantastic night last Sunday, the spontanious fits of "You've been Served!"...Ugh I don't Think So...served ya back...and on it went. The Walke Off was off the HOOK & set the pace for the CIRCUS FREAKS to pounce and command attention on the dance floor. There is much respect on our super Sweet B-Boy bust out of his SOUL in a fit of Poppin', lockin' jumpin', thumpin'.....we were all gagging for that little FIT on the FLOOR! You & your friend must come back, you're family now & we're going on Tour like the Jackson 5...we pride ourselves in being the Old School & the cutting edge of the New School. We cherry pick the cities finest trees & serve it up! We are a fiercely PROUD CREW! We are a Force to Reckon with....and our TEAM OF SUPERHEROES grows each week. We're very busy this week looking for Sponsors for our awesome event and we have some major Fashion Shows, Art Shows & MIND BLOWING Photo Exhibits coming your way soon....and oh yeah...our exclusive Sunday Night Shopping Experience tearing through our LUXE GOODS shall roll in soon on a Rolling Rack. Our Swinger Suites are opening this weekend if all is ready. Maha....are we WORTHY? Hot House JACK OFF EVERY SUNDAY @ REMINTONS, 379 Yonge Street. $5 cover, lotsa dark corners!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

More Pictures...this is sooo Much I ADDICTED?

Well here's a fabulous group shot! I can make out Ron, Lena Gorgeous Love, and Canada's Next Top SuperModel Ashley and a gaggle of JAMSQUADERS & MANCANDY Dandies!

Up Above we have two PRINCES....the New Royals Have all have been warned. This is the side of Gorgeous LIMPWRISTED and the side of Ruggedly Handsome Super Butch Knock Your Block Don't Fuck With Me my beloved BROTHER in HIGH TIMES, dj JAMAL.....TRUST....we are only just beginning! WALK THE WALKE we did

hombre magazine news

hombre magazine news Simon Rojas is FIERCE!
All you early birds get out to hear Simon Rojas, he does the opening set at GARDENS and he is truley delightful. He hits the decks at 10pm, 379 Yonge St. REMINGTONS. I adore Simon, Monsieur Simon & moiself will soon be pounding you all up the side of the head & PUSHING OUR BUTTONS On YOUR FINE SELVES! Simon Rojas was a resident HOUSE MONSTER at local ex-watering hole Babylon...ohhhh such memories...we miss you Babylon...and Star 80 this is all for you HONEY! Shout out to Amir....visitin' dah Motherland don't cha know. PEACE BROTHER! Holler at us at and send us pics of your world. We miss you Honey! Thanks for LUNCH!

LIMP WRISTED will serve T Nov.5th & Maha RIVERDANCES!

Due to tight filming schedules in HAIRSPRAY our fierce LIMP WRISTED will serve the T on the eve of his departure thus giving us more time to prepare for such a Glamorous Event, November 5th is T Time! Here's another quick picture of that crazed Maha, yes believe it folks....this Chick was RIVERDANCING UP A STORM! Bitches I'd have this on video but my bateries were croaking. Maha was absolutely OUT OF CONTROL, he'll leave any Pole Wench in the DUST...the man can WORK A POLE! Most likely I'll flip another sick photo or two. Later! America's Next Top Model just started...TyraMail Hookers! UGH!

Pretty Pretty Look At You....Don't ya Wish to God ya Had it Too!

Fashionable Human Forms, Eye Candy or just our Sexy Bitches?

How to HOLLER at US!

All Y'All can Holler at us at for the latest news, get on our newsletter and most importantly get invited to the FIERCEST PARTIES in Toronto!
This is Gilles Belanger & a Seaside Siesta Siren just in from MEXICO. Holy Hot Sauce!


Here's some more GORGEOUSNESS for All Y'all! Heya up in the skies to Mr.T! HOLLER! Why I believe weave got some Sexy Wetness, A Tranny Tittie Alert...Code RED!, dj JAMAL deep in VOGUE or THOUGHT?, Anna of the North...Editor John Walke, visually stunning!, Looks like some LOVE CANDY JAM to me! Yummy! Shout out to Muffin! Was up?

hombre magazine news

hombre magazine news
Hey all we've got a BALL in the works, Fashion Shows, Art Installations & Photography Shows that will blow your mind. On top of all that we are opening our SWINGERS ROOMS next week to see what sort of carrying on gets carried on to our MILE HIGH CLUB! It won't be soon before you see our Fierce Boutique Open on Sundays only....Ho-Tique...GRAB YOUR HO & COME WEED IN THE GARDEN! Expect celebrity Bartenders doubt HOMBRE le dix will drop before Christmas if you're all GOOD.

Pictures of the CHILDREN!

Aren't they all GORGEOUS. First there will be the Gorgeous Maha (Diva on a DIME, Nancy on a Nickel or Pansy on a Penny or Tranny on a TRUST FUND! YOU Decide!), my awesome lover KEN, dj JAMAL, the stunning Earl , is that Mother Fuckin' Terrorist Lena Bin Laden working te Dance floor at GARDENS, yes and look it's reminescent of Studio 54 days....FUCK ALL you creeps that don't get the Allure of Matt Simms Couture & all the Oh La La that makes up Toronto! Beauty as Duty...WE SERVE YOU UGLY BITCHES! NEXT Sunday October 29, 379 Yonge St.

October 22 GARDEN was INSANE!

Heya All...first day bloggin'...R U Serious. Well we've got a lot of news to fill all y'all in. First we're doing another SheNanigan on Sunday October29 with special guest from Los Angeles, LIMPWRISTED, he'll be performing his new single "What's the T?" Now it's been a lot of fun these past few weeks but it would appear I'm going to have to drag you out on a Sunday just to see what its all about. This City needs to wake up, be more supportive of REAL THINGS. You're all so full of LIP SERVICE it's not funny anymore & your lips are gettin' right chapped Queens! Get to REMINGTONS PENTHOUSE & GARDENS on Sunday October29 to enjoy us & HAIRSPRAY cast member LIMPWRISTED.
Here I'll see if I can figure out some other pics for this. That's GORGEOUS me John Walke & Limp Wristed! We work!